By Takunda Sanganza
Form 3: Starbright Academy
Gender based violence is a crisis that affects us all, a crisis that ravages our community. It is a plaque that has haunted humanity for far too long It a violation of human rights, a crime that knows no border, no race, and no religion. Gender Based Violence (GBV) is a silent war that wages battle on bodies and souls of men, women, boys and girls.
This is time to challenge and dismantle harmful gender norms that limit individuals and perpetuate inequality. Together, we can create a society that values and embraces diversity, inclusivity, and equality for all.
Furthermore, we must acknowledge the devasting impact it has on individuals, families and society. As a society we should recognize the courage of survivors, the resilience and strength in their bodies. We should acknowledge our failures. We must confront the harmful gender stereotypes, the toxic masculinity and the oppressive system that perpetuate the violence.
It is time to act now; It is time to create a world where consent is the only currently where respect is the only rule and where equality is the only reality. It is time we support survivors and listen to their voices. Perpetrators must be held accountable to challenge harmful norms and change the culture that enables the violence. Let us rise, unite and let us end this plague once and for all.
Together, we can create a world where everyone can live free from fear, violence, and discrimination. Let us unite and rise against gender-based violence, and build a safer, more just future for all.